Date Opponents F-A Att Scorers
Wed 22 Nov Lynn Schools H 4-0 Penson, Birch, Jones 2 (Lynn had 12 players, Schools 17)
Sat 02 Dec - The club were given permission by the Walks Committee to "make a gateway in the paled fence into the football field at the corner nearest the archway,
Sat 02 Dec provided that Mr Wilkin, the - tennant of the field, assents thereto."
Wed 10 Jan West Norfolk H 2-0 Miles, Birch
Sat 20 Jan Bradenham A 2-0 Miles, Birch (Lynn had 11 players, Bradenham 12)
Thu 22 Feb Peterborough A 0-5 Played under "Rugby rules"
Fri 15 Mar Peterborough H 3-0 Played under "London Association rules"
Fri 15 Mar London Association Rules: - "We may say, for the sake of those wishing to join King's Lynn Foot Ball Club,
Fri 15 Mar the laws of the London - Association are strickly obeyed, so that all "hack," "taking," sometimes known as "collaring,"
Fri 15 Mar "tracking," and carrying the - ball is forbidden."