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Messages - TonyM
« on: February 03, 2025, 02:42:16 PM »
Agree with everything in WW's post. To be honest it felt 'flat' on Boxing Day which has been my only trip to the Walks this season and I can't say anything that day (other than missing the blokes I stood with) or since has made me regret ceasing to be a 'regular'
« on: January 02, 2025, 11:49:59 AM »
I didn't mean to excuse the club's lateness and yes you would expect a well run business to file these things on time. As it turns out it seems there was nothing to report anyway as the situation on the 11th December remained unchanged as per the Confirmation Statement filed today. Maybe something has or hasn't happened since then which supporters may or may not be informed of at some point?
« on: January 01, 2025, 12:43:40 PM »
Lynn FC Ltd (07102863) Confirmation Statement for Companies House is overdue. It should have been filed on the 11th of December.
Whilst the form must be made up to 11th December, it was only due at Companies House by the 25th so just a week overdue which with Christmas holidays etc doesn't seem quite so bad. I had hoped for some clarity in the Boxing Day programme notes but can't imagine SC has ever written a more bland two pages in his life although I haven't seen any other examples from this season so maybe it's been par for the course?
« on: November 13, 2024, 10:33:55 PM »
Would a large investment into the club be visible on the clubs books on Company's House ?...genuine question.
Not immediately, the latest set of accounts on Companies House are up to 31st May 2023 so well before Joe's involvement. The 31st May 2024 figures have to be filed by 28th February 2024 so something may be clearer then. Currently SC is the only listed director and the Sports Council loan is the only listed charge so difficult to see how Joe's 'investment' has gone into the club (unsecured loan?) although it could just be the club is a bit behind on filing the information.
« on: November 06, 2024, 08:39:16 AM »
At the level Blyth find themselves at it might well work. Think at our level it would be a struggle. Hybrid between individual shareholders and Community fan owned would have a chance at Step 2.
Mall, I partially agree in that it would be a huge struggle for Lynn to go this route at step 2 and a hybrid is probably the only real viable option for Linnets fans due to various factors but that doesn't mean it can't work at step 2 (or above) elsewhere. Maybe the landscape will change post Independent Regulator but can't see that filtering down to our level and just gives the FA even more of an excuse to ignore their regulatory role throughout the pyramid.
« on: November 05, 2024, 01:32:54 PM »
Congratulations to Blyth and their supporters.....I'm envious!!
That's two of us Rod but not sure that is enough were it ever to happen in our corner of west Norfolk. Like Pink, I wish them all the best for the future
« on: September 11, 2024, 09:01:32 AM »
As Mall says, a sad decision on many levels for the club, losing one of the few bright lights of last season and blowing a hole is SC's stated model for the club in terms of bringing players through and selling them on at a profit but can't blame the lad for wanting to play, wish him all the best wherever he goes.
« on: April 10, 2024, 07:27:39 AM »
Good result tonight that ensures NLN safety, Peterborough's win does the same for them so pressure off both teams for the weekend. SC can now start making plans for next season at step 2, would like to think that includes finally addressing some off the off-field areas but experience would probably suggest otherwise.
Great result tonight.
Next season Tony? First question.Full time or part time?
With most of the income being derived from gate receipts, how can we justify a full time squad when gates are below 700 as they were again tonight...
SC addressed this issue a couple of weeks back in his EDP article, full-time next season, irrespective of the level we were playing at. Whether that is appropriate or not isn't really up for debate, SC's club, SC's decision and he has to find a way to make it work.
« on: April 09, 2024, 10:12:03 PM »
Good result tonight that ensures NLN safety, Peterborough's win does the same for them so pressure off both teams for the weekend. SC can now start making plans for next season at step 2, would like to think that includes finally addressing some off the off-field areas but experience would probably suggest otherwise.
« on: April 09, 2024, 01:20:57 PM »
What's happened has happened we can't change it - if we lose to chorley on Tuesday and Peterbourgh sports and Rushall both win we go down 2 places then there will be even more moaning and groaning. lets hope we win and that should make us safe then reset for next season
Whilst we aren't mathematically safe, I think we are in a better position than some and it is still very much in our own hands. Personally I would like to see Peterborough win tonight as that would virtually ensure their survival and potentially make Saturday's fixture easier and a win for us at the weekend will probably be enough. As far as I am concerned tonight is a bit of a free hit although given AL's track record against the better sides wouldn't be surprised to see us picking up a point. Yet again NLN produces a cracking finish to the season with currently only 11th to 14th not having anything to play for, much has been made of the league being weaker this season but I am not convinced, what I find hard to justify is being full time as there doesn't seem to be that much between any of the teams.
« on: March 16, 2024, 11:04:18 AM »
Reading an EDP column today I did find it strange that there was no credit given to the Saviour Joe.Without him we would have probably be finished by now.Also sounded to me that we should now get used to boring football,and Chelsea are no longer the club they were,presumably that’s since the Russians have departed.
The final bit of the EDP article takes some reading with SC preaching about how important the fans are yet we must be one of the worst clubs in the NLN in terms of communication WITH the fans, the club provides next to nothing in terms of news about the team, injuries etc and the EDP columns, programme notes and podcasts from the chairman are just a one sided conversation which certainly isn't fan engagement in my book. Appreciate many fans only care about the club at 3pm on a Saturday and are happy with owners (if he does now have a stake) like Joe - happy to throw loads of money at the club for which they want nothing in return - but that isn't how sustainable clubs are built imo.
« on: March 09, 2024, 08:30:00 AM »
Great signing, finally plugged what has been a massive weak link we have had all season, agree with Rod, could be the difference that keeps us up.
« on: March 03, 2024, 12:09:01 PM »
Welcome three points, luck on our side but have equally been games this season where we perhaps haven't had that and tends to even out over the season. Improved performance with a bit more passing and a bit less long ball hit and hope and hopefully Taylor is back for next weekend
« on: February 24, 2024, 01:13:00 PM »
Where funding is concerned, for many football supporters at all levels the end justifies the means?
Which is why football needs an independent regulator, there are many walks of life where protections are deemed necessary to avoid 'the market' having a free reign (often at the detriment of individuals) and to me football fits this to a tee. The landscape needs to be changed to reduce the incentive to gamble to progress which just creates round after round of unaffordable wage inflation as others have to keep up to compete.
« on: February 20, 2024, 10:39:22 PM »
Good win tonight, has to be seen as a bonus in our relegation fight and hope we can follow it up with another 3 points Saturday