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Messages - Mallard

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General Discussion / Re: Fans' Forum
« on: October 02, 2021, 01:11:22 PM »
100% KES.  Let’s hope this is very much the start of a new beginning and not just a one off in an attempt to appease the fans.

The next home game gate will be interesting.  Now SC has got fans attention let’s see him push on.

General Discussion / Re: Fans' Forum
« on: October 02, 2021, 12:05:37 PM »
Difficult to know what to believe with SC.  Maybe he forgets what he says.  On a podcast of his he claimed the running costs of the Club were in excess of a 100k per month.   Now we are full time the cost has dropped 20%.

Mark Hearle must have been on one hell of a salary!   :laughcry:

Quality doesn’t come cheap.

General Discussion / Re: Fans' Forum
« on: October 02, 2021, 12:03:39 PM »
Like Tony I feel it’s a big plus that SC has seen the error of his ways and has finally pushed the doors open to welcome and indeed embrace some public debate into the running of the club.   Shame it’s taken all these years for him to get to this point.   That however is being negative and the  direction  to look is forwards.

The ‘employing’ of a full time Commercial Director is a massive commitment especially when he will be based away from the area.  We have had so many false dawns on this particular subject, so pardon me for being a little reserved on this appointment.

I hope SC will now seek further help with regard to people sticking money into the club and who knows maybe he will put a phone call into The Trust and offer the pipe of peace to see if there is a way forward in this area.   To my mind SC cannot afford to refuse any area of help and expertise to keep the club sailing.

Was there any mention of a back up meeting/forum to this one ?

General Discussion / Re: Fans' Forum
« on: October 02, 2021, 11:26:34 AM »
Difficult to know what to believe with SC.  Maybe he forgets what he says.  On a podcast of his he claimed the running costs of the Club were in excess of a 100k per month.   Now we are full time the cost has dropped 20%.   

General Discussion / Re: Fans' Forum
« on: October 02, 2021, 11:01:41 AM »
The 80k figure Tony, is that meant to be 800k ?

How does Bigger crowds equate to costing more per head ?  Just by adding security

General Discussion / Re: Fans' Forum
« on: October 01, 2021, 08:44:22 PM »
Malc, was it a worthwhile meeting ?  Any chance of a brief summary on what came to pass, numbers at the meeting, SC’s ideas ?

General Discussion / Re: Fans' Forum
« on: October 01, 2021, 08:03:10 PM »
Well done Malcolm.  Thankfully the owner has started to see the error of his ways.   Will the season ticket holders be offered a refund on the difference ?  Though I’m
Sure most , if not all will donate it to the Club.

Does the £18 include the £1 toward the loan repayment, Malc ?

General Discussion / Re: Fans' Forum
« on: October 01, 2021, 03:25:48 PM »
Here is some of what Caney said in YLP

Ticket prices

You can dress it up however you want. The rot set in as soon as it was confirmed the Linnets’ season ticket prices were going to be the most expensive in the top-tier of non-League football this term.

It hasn’t got any better with seating prices coming in at £26 and £23 for adults, £21 for concessions and £11 for those aged 16 and under. It’s not family friendly. Is it any wonder people are having to pick and choose their games?

Matchday experience

Saturday’s match felt like I was attending a pre-season friendly – no atmosphere, a soulless bar with giant half-time queues and overpriced food that you had to walk through the away section to buy. Attending a matchday is about much more than the football and right now being at The Walks leaves you feeling short changed.

The chairman

Stephen Cleeve is entitled to his opinion. The problem is when you’re freely giving yours out, you have to accept people will disagree with you or potentially grow to dislike you.

There’s a way to communicate with, and talk about, fans and as someone who works in PR, Lynn’s chairman needs a crash course in how not to alienate people through his choice of words.

General Discussion / Re: Fans' Forum
« on: October 01, 2021, 03:11:03 PM »
NW.  Have to agree that whatever funds are raised won’t go anywhere what is needed. 

It is difficult to understand where the Club is in terms of money with loans both internal and external and the shuffling around of companies that seems to appear each year.  I am just hoping that SC is basically on top of all of this and he has a plan in place to involve the fans, sponsors and outside investors to keep the clubs head above water.

General Discussion / Re: Fans' Forum
« on: October 01, 2021, 01:58:50 PM »
NW.  With a fans forum programmed to last 60 minutes what else but baby steps can be achieved ?   To think that people will see any form of solution in that period of time is being unrealistic.

As for SC saying he wouldn’t be prepared/able to continue funding it.  Well in fairness he has said many things in the past that maybe haven’t been delivered.

Hopefully with SC calling this meeting he is realising some of what you are saying NW.   Whether it can be salvaged or not I think we should at least give the guy a chance to put his case.   Let’s not seal the coffin lid down just yet.

General Discussion / Re: Fans' Forum
« on: October 01, 2021, 11:13:15 AM »
NW.  With a sole ownership MO it doesn’t take any working out with who got things right or wrong.   Both sit with SC

Yes people can sit at a forum and hammer into SC, but does that really achieve anything ?

To me and IMHO it’s about putting some structure in place to save the club.  SC is sitting on a 500k loan.  Under the present conditions I feel he could burn through that pdq. Then what ?

I really hope the meeting is constructive and that baby steps are taken to start righting things.

General Discussion / Re: Fans' Forum
« on: October 01, 2021, 10:32:20 AM »
The success ( or failure) of the Club is in one person’s hands.  If SC cones in with a different mindset then I’m sure fans and the like will respond accordingly.    Tonight shouldn’t be about playing the blame game.   That will achieve nothing.    What we need to hear is plans on how the missing fans and new fans can be attracted back to The Walks.

Hopefully there will be some realistic plans and the usual ‘big story’ event that never materialised.

Over to you SC.   Let’s see those wheels set in motion.

General Discussion / Re: Fans' Forum
« on: October 01, 2021, 09:40:45 AM »
Maybe SC will turn up with a different attitude and genuinely will reach out to the fans for help.   

Have things gone that far that they can’t be turned around ?  I’m
Not so sure.  I have advocated for a long time that the owner needs to bring in fresh investment  and people to share the load.

Hopefully this 1 hour meeting will be a step in the right direction.

General Discussion / Re: Altrincham and Maidenhead
« on: September 29, 2021, 04:16:51 PM »
I cannot see SC getting shot of IC.  However let’s not forget IC walked before when things weren’t perhaps as they should have been off the field.

Now rightly or wrongly I see  Culverhouse as a proud man.  He knows what is needed to stay in this league and compete with those in it.  In an interview at the start of the season he expressed how confident he was that his new  Lynn team would compete at this level.   The problem as I see it is the squad is paper thin ( yet again).  Last night for example, we only had 4 on the bench with nothing there to fill that final spot.

The budget that SC has set seems to be “less’ than many others.  Will IC stick with it or Will his pride come into play ?

General Discussion / Re: Fans' Forum
« on: September 29, 2021, 12:12:33 PM »
What we need ( and what we are lacking). Is strong leadership from the top.   SC has decided on a one man MO.  When things are going wrong he only has himself to look to.   With a one man band ( as the club is). Then who motivates the motivator ?

Does anyone really have that much faith in the club being turned around?   Fans forum on Friday for 60 minutes.  Honestly what is that going to achieve ?  Go on tell me I’m wrong.

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