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Messages - Mallard

Pages: 1 ... 185 186 [187] 188 189 ... 191
General Discussion / Re: Squad for next season
« on: May 20, 2021, 02:32:53 PM »
For clubs, lower wages and 1 year deals seems the sensible way forward.  There is no guarantee of anything other than limited crowd numbers being allowed into grounds next season.   

Caution has to be the order of the day.

General Discussion / Re: Reserves
« on: May 19, 2021, 08:09:48 PM »
Where do UEA play?  Last time I saw them was a park pitch down near the hospital.    I wonder ( or not) how they will be funded at this level.

General Discussion / Re: Reserves
« on: May 19, 2021, 01:50:58 PM »
For a club who has just borrowed X 100’sK the little matter of a grand shouldn’t be too much to worry about.

I see that the likes of Fakenham, Mulbarton, Lakenheath etc have been moved upwards to the ECL Premier.   What teams have joined into ECL Div 1 North ?

General Discussion / Re: Reserves
« on: May 19, 2021, 12:41:17 PM »
I seem to recall SC saying this when he use to do Podcasts.   Maybe it’s a change of direction and now they will be staying at Step 6, or maybe a decision to withdraw will come in the summer ?

General Discussion / Re: Tickets
« on: May 18, 2021, 07:01:45 AM »
Speedway is very cloak and dagger in terms of attendances.  Some saying between 2000-2500.   

Whatever it was it certainly augers well for the two gates at The Walks.  Valuable income going into the summer

General Discussion / Re: Tickets
« on: May 17, 2021, 09:06:46 PM »
Good news in that Kings Lynn Stars started their speedway season with a home meeting tonight and it was a sellout.   It shows local Sports fans are ready to get back to watching some live Sport.

General Discussion / Re: Linnets lose on their travels.
« on: May 16, 2021, 01:27:29 PM »
I was a Fox for the day Dilly.  What a goal to win it, then the drama of VAR at the end.   First time I’ve watched a Cup Final in many a year.  You could see at the end how much it meant to Leicester.

General Discussion / Re: Tennyson car park
« on: May 16, 2021, 01:25:07 PM »
I would thought a decent road network would be more attractive to players.  Northern based players must love the A17! 

General Discussion / Re: Southend
« on: May 16, 2021, 01:23:18 PM »
Half time team talks out on the pitch?   Fallen a long way since those Heady days of managing at Premiership level.

General Discussion / Re: Squad for next season
« on: May 16, 2021, 01:21:51 PM »
With the rumoured 2,000 pro players being released at the end of this season it should make it very much a ‘Clubs’ market rather than players driving it.    Tighter squads in Football should be the order of the day.   With the uncertainty seemingly likely to continue into next season it’s has added importance thats clubs don’t stretch themselves.

There was all this talk last season of Clubs going out of business.  It’s seems most of not all have survived.   This coming season with no Gov hand out, available loans and no furlough scheme owners need to be very careful how they run their clubs.

General Discussion / Re: Linnets lose on their travels.
« on: May 15, 2021, 08:57:31 PM »
The only things the club will have to show for this disaster of a season is the break up of the Championship winning squad and a huge debt that will hang around its neck for years to come. 

General Discussion / Re: Linnets lose on their travels.
« on: May 15, 2021, 05:15:21 PM »
Just watched the teams ( Leicester and Chelsea) to walk out to fans greeting them.  How good it that look and feel.

As for Lynn’s nightmare.  Nearly over now.  I’m sure SC , IC and all those involved will breath a huge sigh of relief.

General Discussion / Re: Tickets
« on: May 15, 2021, 08:03:01 AM »
Will be interesting to see what the take up is in terms of numbers.   Hopefully the supporters will want to see some live Football before the short summer break.   Not sure that £25 for a Pre, Pre-season game with a weakened team and nothing to play for is that attractive.

I just can’t wait to see the back of this season and hopefully start afresh with new the enthusiasm come next season.

General Discussion / Re: Squad for next season
« on: May 15, 2021, 07:58:22 AM »
Must be concerns for the start of next season with regard to numbers being permitted to attend.

This new Variant could see the June release pushed back.   Will Clubs at NL go with reduced numbers or decide not to start the season if this is the case ?  The last thing anyone would want is a repeat of the mess that was this season.

General Discussion / Re: Squad for next season
« on: May 13, 2021, 07:30:27 PM »
Looking around at players being released I’ll throw 4 in the mix starting at the back.

Steve Arnold ( no not AC10) keeper released from Northampton ( started at Norwich)

Cameron Norman and FBT both released.... no brainer. 

Luke Chambers 35 years of age.  Leader  released by Ipswich.

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