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Messages - Blue_and_Gold

Pages: 1 ... 170 171 [172] 173 174 ... 213
General Discussion / Re: Joe Gascoigne
« on: October 11, 2021, 08:43:43 PM »
......looking at Wisbech's last 4 team sheets he does not appear on any of them.
Injured ?

Fair enough. I'll ask his Dad.

General Discussion / Re: Name and shame
« on: October 11, 2021, 08:39:51 PM »

He is an amazing   character.   Just a few days ago he arranges a meeting with the fans to try and curb the growing feeling of unhappiness with so many things that is seemingly going wrong at the club.  To the man’s credit he holds his hands up to say yes there are issues and wants to work to put them right.

Then in EDP he goes on a full frontal attack on a Youth set up in the Town that has been around long before anyone had ever heard of the name Cleeve.

I have to say that I don't really understand what angle he is coming from with the EDP article on Saturday, or more to the point, what he is really hoping to achieve with it.

I'm surprised that the people at the EDP even gave it column space!

Now we see a name and shame on a young supporter
Absolutely disgraceful article in the EDP on saturday of which i have voiced my opinion on saturday evening with the EDP highlighting why the Council have no intention of him hiring out the 3G especially if it has the same outcome as previous. But it is not only KLCF that he tried to unsuccessfully destroy but also a huge part of the child/youth set up in King's Lynn when giving HIS terms for using the West Lynn set up! Thankfully someone could see exactly what he was up to and told him NO.
So basically he has 3 teams playing under his banner whereas he was going to have at least 1 in every age group to be coached by stealing coaches that are already well established in their existing clubs. The word going out tp players and their parents that if you do not sign up for KLTFC academies you will never wear play for KLTFC in later years. Stood a chance there of missing the next Wayne Rooney after wasting a fortune in his early days at the helm of KLTFC bringing in at great expense the man who found Wayne Rooney

PR at the club is really something else.

Mr Cleeve needs to understand that he controls Kings Lynn Football Club, and does not control football in Kings Lynn!

General Discussion / Re: Joe Gascoigne
« on: October 11, 2021, 06:30:02 PM »
could be because Wisbeach played Bury in the F A trophy on Sat and the manager
did not want him cup tied, Wisbeach won 0  2.

Could well be the case but that raises the question why they didn't do the same for Taylor.  :dontknow:

General Discussion / Re: Name and shame
« on: October 11, 2021, 05:48:42 PM »

Lets pray for a Saudi Arabian to come to our aid....

And here we are  thinking it couldn't get any worse, although I guess there are still a couple at the Club praying for another "White Knight".

Apparently there's always someone around to take on that role!

General Discussion / Re: Name and shame
« on: October 11, 2021, 05:44:21 PM »
I seem to recall the last time something like this came up people were clamouring for SC to name n shame

Not so sure on that one Blue. I think he may have been thinking of doing so but was advised against it due to GDPR.

General Discussion / Re: Name and shame
« on: October 11, 2021, 02:38:08 PM »
As for the Twitter storm, whilst SC may have had a valid point about a supporter 'underpaying', there are a number of ways to address this sort of issue and I would say posting on Twitter wouldn't have been my first choice!

OK, own up!

Who grassed on him?


General Discussion / Re: Name and shame
« on: October 11, 2021, 11:13:41 AM »
He is an amazing   character.   Just a few days ago he arranges a meeting with the fans to try and curb the growing feeling of unhappiness with so many things that is seemingly going wrong at the club.  To the man’s credit he holds his hands up to say yes there are issues and wants to work to put them right.

Then in EDP he goes on a full frontal attack on a Youth set up in the Town that has been around long before anyone had ever heard of the name Cleeve.

Now we see a name and shame on a young supporter.

PR at the club is really something else.

I have to say that I don't really understand what angle he is coming from with the EDP article on Saturday, or more to the point, what he is really hoping to achieve with it.

I'm surprised that the people at the EDP even gave it column space!

General Discussion / Re: Name and shame
« on: October 11, 2021, 10:35:38 AM »
Apparently 109 people have replied to the Chairman's Twitter post with many being critical of it.

General Discussion / Re: Solihull moors at Home
« on: October 10, 2021, 10:27:43 AM »
All ten of the bottom teams in NL, apart from Barnet who won, lost yesterday.

Of these ten, only 4 have a better GD.

General Discussion / Re: Solihull moors at Home
« on: October 09, 2021, 11:32:49 PM »
I would like to think the attendance would be a lot more than 1100 tomorrow, particularly given the weather forecast.

I can't see The Moors bringing many more than 100, so I just added that to the 1000 regular, all weather, Lynn supporters.


91 out.  :(

I guess the 100 Moors  supporters that I thought would travel to watch the game was a bit optimistic.

So on to next Saturday with victory now becoming even more important that before. If Gash plays, you've got to say theres a very good chance that he'll score, meaning we'll need at least 2 for us to go into the hat for the next round. Even playing against a team from a lower level, will we still have trouble finding the net in what has probably now become a "must win" game?   :dontknow:

Should be a good one and I would think, weather permitting,  that the attendance will be bigger than today. I'll go for a 1500 (declared) gate.


General Discussion / Re: Solihull moors at Home
« on: October 08, 2021, 08:38:38 PM »
I would like to think the attendance would be a lot more than 1100 tomorrow, particularly given the weather forecast.

I can't see The Moors bringing many more than 100, so I just added that to the 1000 regular, all weather, Lynn supporters.


General Discussion / Re: Solihull moors at Home
« on: October 08, 2021, 01:38:35 PM »
I think a win is on the cards, but I can't see us keeping a clean sheet.

2-1 to Lynn, with 1,100 through the gate. Nice weather, warm enough for us oldies, wives not making us go Christmas shopping yet.......we could even see a few more than that.


General Discussion / Re: Reduced ticket prices........
« on: October 07, 2021, 03:42:03 PM »
I assume this is a mistake on the Solihull site?

Don't assume anything!

Clarification needed methinks?

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