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Messages - Blue_and_Gold

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General Discussion / Re: Warrington
« on: January 04, 2025, 04:54:44 PM »
As has been said before, if the Media Department aren't informed about it (maybe it's a secret  :dontknow:), they can't report on it.

I have no idea why the club would choose not to report on it, if true.

General Discussion / Re: Gavin Caney article
« on: January 03, 2025, 06:11:19 PM »
All rumours.

If there were more transparency there wouldn't be so many rumours ?

Very true.

General Discussion / Re: Gavin Caney article
« on: January 02, 2025, 12:25:01 PM »
I didn't mean to excuse the club's lateness and yes you would expect a well run business to file these things on time.  As it turns out it seems there was nothing to report anyway as the situation on the 11th December remained unchanged as per the Confirmation Statement filed today.  Maybe something has or hasn't happened since then which supporters may or may not be informed of at some point?

That's my theory out the window then!

 :laughcry: :laughcry: :laughcry:

General Discussion / Re: One out, maybe one in.
« on: January 01, 2025, 04:45:32 PM »
Heard it could be a former Linnet Ken Charles from St Albans (Culverhouse)

On the bench today.

General Discussion / Re: Gavin Caney article
« on: January 01, 2025, 02:27:27 PM »
Lynn FC Ltd (07102863) Confirmation Statement for Companies House is overdue. It should have been filed on the 11th of December.

Whilst the form must be made up to 11th December, it was only due at Companies House by the 25th so just a week overdue which with Christmas holidays etc doesn't seem quite so bad.  I had hoped for some clarity in the Boxing Day programme notes but can't imagine SC has ever written a more bland two pages in his life although I haven't seen any other examples from this season so maybe it's been par for the course?

Sorry Tony but they don't give any grace period. Correct it was due by the 25th, but the Club needed to make sure it was filed by that date, not a week after. Majority of people who had to file by the 25th would have made sure it was there prior to that date to ensure the Christmas Holidays did not interfere with it.

It's an online file, so it could have even been completed on Christmas Day if need be. It takes two minutes to complete (or 5 minutes if there's a change to PSC).

I don't think it could have been missed as notification is given in plenty of time, and reminders are sent.

I'll stick with the theory that there's about to be a change in PSC but someone decided to delay filing and accept a fine, rather than alert people (supporters) to potential changes.

If the next question is why would they do that............. :dontknow:

General Discussion / Re: Gavin Caney article
« on: January 01, 2025, 12:50:21 PM »
I'm going to Singapore next week.
Watch this space...


General Discussion / Re: Gavin Caney article
« on: January 01, 2025, 12:08:54 PM »
Lynn FC Ltd (07102863) Confirmation Statement for Companies House is overdue. It should have been filed on the 25th of December (last date).

It's a very simple form that takes 2 minutes to complete (at a cost of £45). Mandatory reporting, so I presume a fine for late filing will now be applied.

By coincidence, I had to complete one myself around the same time, and it was confirmed by Companies House straight away. Just mentioning this as it being the holiday period doesn't come into it when looking for reasons acknowledgement not being received from Companies House.

The  Confirmation Statement just confirms basic details of the Company. One of the things asked is for details of People with Significant Control (PSC). With what's been going on recently with Joe and Bal, it does make me wonder if the powers that be at the Club have just been waiting for the ink to dry on any agreement before submitting the form.

Not the way it should be done ( i.e. it should be submitted before cut off date, and then amended after), but just waiting a few days before confirming who's in charge, could be the reason for the late filing. Obviously if they had submitted the form with new details, it would be out there for all to see and as we know, that's not what the Club usually wants.

General Discussion / Gavin Caney article
« on: January 01, 2025, 11:28:57 AM »
The soap opera that is The Walks is spinning out another fascinating storyline.

The talk on the terraces is that the club's yet-to-be-officially confirmed new commercial director and investor Joseph Phua are running things at King's Lynn Town.

The latter's investment seemingly kept the Linnets afloat in late 2023 but as to how much was pumped in to steady the ship is anybody's guess. The same goes for whether it's given the Singaporean more control.

However, Cleeve's silence and lack of clarity from official media channels is only fanning the flames of the rumour mill.

Lynn's owner used his column in a rival local newspaper to state "Jo has bought in a new commercial director with Football League experience" and it would be "announced shortly". That was published online on November 23.

What's the delay? Why does everyone around town know about 'Bal' but nothing has been officially confirmed about his arrival and role?

Cleeve's deleted post on LinkedIn seeking further investment poured further confusion around the state of play. What is going on?

Lynn Football Club, old and reformed, has long provided enough drama to rival EastEnders. Yet it really doesn't need to be this cloak and dagger. Some transparency would just quieten all the noise and let everyone get behind, and understand, the vision for the future.

General Discussion / Re: It's grim up North
« on: December 31, 2024, 09:54:07 PM »
Prior to today, Scunthorpe had only managed 6 goals in their last 6 games. That's only one more than Lynn managed over the same amount of games. In fact, they hadn't won any of their last 6 home games.

I think it's reasonable if people expected something out of today's game, even if it was only a share of the points. No doubt AL was expecting a very tough game, but money on it that he never thought he would be 3 down at HT. I'm sure he was expecting to come away with something today.

Scunthorpe must have been ecstatic. Only 6 goals in 6 games and and no win in their previous 6 home games, and then they see three goals going in after 49 minutes.........I bet they didn't expect to see that!

As Mallard has said, the January games will say a lot about where we are as a team.

General Discussion / Re: One out, maybe one in.
« on: December 31, 2024, 05:12:18 PM »
Heard it could be a former Linnet Ken Charles from St Albans (Culverhouse)

Could be, as St Alban's have just signed a new player. I presume they are the same as most, with one in and one out.

General Discussion / It's grim up North
« on: December 31, 2024, 05:07:48 PM »
A grim trip up north for Linnets as they lose 3-0 away to Scunthorpe, in the last game of the year.

All the goals were scored n the first half.

Att: 4165.

Lynn drop to 4th place.

Scunthorpe move to the top of the league.

Happy new year to all Lynn Supporters.


General Discussion / Re: Boxing Day draw.
« on: December 27, 2024, 02:54:29 PM »
Talking about draws,who won on the raffle?  :laughcry:

All I know is that I didn't!   :laughcry:

General Discussion / Re: Boxing Day draw.
« on: December 27, 2024, 12:32:51 PM »
I confess to not having been to The Walks for quite a while, and just watch whatever is available on video. I’ve see enough, however, to wonder why Crane is always on the bench.  He appears to have some of the pace and skill that we completely lack on too many occasions, and he seems to fall into the trap suffered by Barrett when he was here and clearly the best player in the club at the time.  Managers often convince themselves that they possess some kind of tactical knowledge that makes them rely on their Subbuteo Board formations in which the most skilful players are surplus to requirements. It’s complete nonsense!  Successful teams are those that, believe it or not, actually pick their best players!  You might not win with them, but you sure as Hades won’t without them!

And of course, unlike Pep, they need a Plan B.

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