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Messages - Grissles Oleary

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General Discussion / Re: Guess the Gate for tonight?
« on: October 24, 2023, 06:40:38 PM »
Probably about 400,3 from Bishops Stortford.

General Discussion / Re: Bishop Stortford
« on: October 24, 2023, 10:13:40 AM »
How many brave souls will attend if it goes ahead? :dontknow: :scarf: :scarf:

General Discussion / Re: New Manager announced.
« on: October 01, 2023, 07:17:31 AM »
What Malc a bit like Sooty ?  :laughcry:.   Id settle for a team that becomes hard to beat and creates a few chances.

Not sure what kind of budget Adam had to work with at CA but have to assume this is a grade or two up. 

New beginnings and all that  :cheers:

Malc did you ever get to the bottom of the ‘supposedly’ missing money, or will that now remain a mystery for all time ?

Suggest you chat to Barry about the 'missing' money? It was left in his capable hands to deal with after the committee disbanded!

General Discussion / Re: Renaming
« on: September 29, 2023, 09:49:04 AM »
Due to the amount of posts should we rename to the Gordon Chilvers forum?  :dontknow:

Quite ironic post from someone with nigh on 10 ten times more posts than Chilly.  :laughcry:

Most of which wer made when this forum was fun?

General Discussion / Renaming
« on: September 28, 2023, 11:33:50 PM »
Due to the amount of posts should we rename to the Gordon Chilvers forum?  :dontknow:

General Discussion / Re: Hughes gone.
« on: September 26, 2023, 07:11:24 AM »
I don’t want to be negative but why do folk continually hark back to Setch, Marriott etc. etc.  Somehow, we need to move forward and put the past behind us. Not easy, but let’s all give it a go.

Possibly because they brought drive and passion to the game? :scarf: :scarf: :scarf:

General Discussion / Re: Lynn Boss remains defiant.
« on: September 25, 2023, 03:48:21 PM »
Now ex manager.

General Discussion / Re: Adrian Whitbread
« on: September 19, 2023, 01:23:59 PM »
Just give the budget, which I’d say is much higher than when he was in charge, to Gary Setchell love or hate the lad he had passion.

imo wasn’t given a decent chance at all

I don't think many would disagree that Setch wasn't given a chance. Big error by the Chairman. Who know's what he could have achieved with the bigger budget that following Managers enjoyed?

Setch knows how to motivate the players,he has so far not managed an unsuccesful team?

I believe that what many are fearful of, is that whoever is in charge going forward, its all too late.

Whats really going to change if a new Manager was appointed. The current problems appear much deeper than just the Manager and his playing staff.

 :scarf: :scarf: :scarf:

General Discussion / Re: Hughes in LN’s
« on: September 16, 2023, 07:57:07 PM »
Which game was he at?Another day when our keeper kept us in the game.

General Discussion / Re: Brackley at home
« on: September 06, 2023, 10:41:15 AM »
On reflection Tony think you are right.  Point gained.   It was real back to the walls stuff.  Agree with regard to the ref, thought she had an excellent game.

Read SC’s programme notes this morning.  Oh my oh my.  Looks like he’s very concerned about  paying back that loan.  Shame he put the Club in that situation with his failed attempt at staying in the NL.  What happened to the his brainwave of ring fencing £1 from every admission to pay back that loan ?  As for the money the Club is haemorrhaging. With the figures he’s quoting why do we have a full time playing staff and paying out for such things as overnight stays? It seems everything is everyone’s fault where Cleeve is concerned.  Maybe the truth lies closer to home.

на родине мы называем это русской рулеткой

At home, we call it Russian roulette

General Discussion / Re: Brackley at home
« on: September 06, 2023, 05:59:06 AM »
Gordon Childers a sad bitter and twisted old man!
Just because Cleeves wouldn’t buy the football kit of Gordon’s sewing company

Молодой Фрэнк, он может вам не нравиться, но вместо того, чтобы критиковать его, почему бы вам хотя бы не признать, что то, что он говорит, - правда?
Почему сейчас люди не хотят спонсировать клуб, а до прихода мистера Клива хотели?

Мистер Лупи, на вас все равно никто не обращает внимания

Young Frank, you may not like him, but instead of criticizing him, why don't you at least admit that what he says is true?
Why don't people want to sponsor the club now, but did before Mr. Cleve came?

Mr. Lupi, no one pays attention to you anyway

General Discussion / Re: Brackley at home
« on: September 05, 2023, 12:16:13 PM »
Izvinite, no moy pis'mennyy angliyskiy ne ochen' khorosh, no ya mogu normal'no govorit' i rugat'sya tak zhe khorosho, kak moi ul'tra-druz'ya. programmnyye konspekty segodnya vecherom budut interesnymi, no my uzhe znayem, chto oni budut soderzhat' yeshche odno obrashcheniye iz chashi dlya podayaniya i opravdaniye togo, chto problemy, s kotorymi stalkivayetsya klub, ne yego vina.

 I'm sorry, but my written English is not very good, but I can normally'speak' and scold's as well as my ul'tra-friends'ya. Tonight's program notes will be interesting, but we already know that they will contain another appeal from the alms bowl and an excuse that the problems the club is facing are not its fault.

General Discussion / Re: Monday's F A Cup draw
« on: September 04, 2023, 08:10:34 AM »
Spalding at home will do me. :scarf: :scarf:

General Discussion / Re: Today's game.
« on: August 05, 2023, 07:36:46 PM »
Tony as a matter of interest how much time was added on at the end of each half.  Sone games today weren’t finishing until 5.15 in some cases with the new time wasting rules be applied

2 minutes in the first half,didn't see the board for the second half.

General Discussion / Re: Supporters' Club
« on: July 20, 2023, 06:18:42 AM »
Perhaps they will poach their 3rd person from Heacham FC in the way of Denis Cooper. Just under 200 Supporters Club members last season and very actively involved in the off field success of the club.

3rd person? :dontknow:

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