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Messages - Grissles Oleary

Pages: 1 ... 29 30 [31] 32 33 34
General Discussion / Re: New Staff
« on: July 30, 2021, 08:51:17 PM »
It would seem to me that the ethos of the club is to extract maximum cash from the fans with the minimum of effort and return for the fans? :dontknow: :bankrupt:

General Discussion / Re: New Staff
« on: July 30, 2021, 03:19:30 PM »
Although the football side may have improved since UCL days it seems the facilities and quality of match day fayre has plummeted. :dontknow:

General Discussion / Re: AGM of the fiends of the linnets
« on: July 30, 2021, 02:02:07 PM »
.......and bridges need building

Careful Griss.................sounds to me as if you are expected to break into a sweat!

 if we all row in the same direction we will move forward

There ya go John. I told you that your experience of the Olympics would come in useful one day!

the fotlsc will take over the running of the travel to away matches

John, will you be asking your mate Nick to get involved and give you a hand on this one?

 :laughcry: :laughcry: :laughcry:

General Discussion / Re: Cup Final
« on: July 10, 2021, 05:30:09 PM »
Is there a facility that allows for season tickets to be paid by installments?

General Discussion / Cup Final
« on: July 08, 2021, 08:45:47 AM »
Just wondering if there is enough time for the club to ready and open the bar for the final? :dontknow: :cheers:

General Discussion / Re: Season ticket
« on: July 06, 2021, 02:39:04 PM »

General Discussion / Re: New Signing
« on: July 06, 2021, 10:27:36 AM »
Just need to sign a Blue now. :laughcry:

General Discussion / Re: AGM of the fiends of the linnets
« on: July 04, 2021, 01:42:47 PM »
What’s concerning me is Nikki Male or Female

Why would that concern you,would you give different answers depending on gender? Very odd remark? :dontknow:

General Discussion / Re: Season ticket
« on: July 03, 2021, 05:48:57 PM »
So back to the original,with so many clubs announcing season ticket prices that give a good deal for the fans,what will be announced for King's Lynn? :dontknow:

And still no news? :dontknow:

General Discussion / Re: Voluntary Vacancy with benefits !
« on: June 27, 2021, 07:42:41 PM »
Position already filled.

Who’s got the position?

I hope the first thing they do is change the walk on music from Thunder back to The Boys are Back in town.

O well Griss. At least that means you will be able to dedicate all you endrgy into getting elected as Chairman of the Friends.

 :laughcry: :laughcry: :laughcry:

General Discussion / Re: Voluntary Vacancy with benefits !
« on: June 27, 2021, 07:08:47 PM »
Position already filled.

General Discussion / Re: AGM of the fiends of the linnets
« on: June 27, 2021, 06:13:36 PM »
Will lapsed members be allowed to attend the AGM? Many people who have an interest may have let their membership slide due to the current situation, this could be an ideal opportunity to renew their membership? Could always keep the bar open after the official meeting to allow non members the chance to join, maybe a bit of an open evening,a few football cards or something? Every little helps.

General Discussion / Re: AGM of the fiends of the linnets
« on: June 26, 2021, 11:27:33 PM »
That’s right I only have the well being of the club and how we can help in moving forward

Rumour has it that all of the committee have resigned,any truth in that Malcolm? :dontknow:

General Discussion / Re: Junior
« on: June 26, 2021, 02:19:55 PM »
Just have to say that losing Gash it leaves a big hole to be filled? :dontknow:

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