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Messages - Grissles Oleary

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General Discussion / Re: Supporters' Club
« on: July 19, 2023, 02:13:51 PM »
Silly question, is there one.

 :bus: :bus: :scarf: :scarf:

Sadly not.

Thas such a shame, as there's probably enough members money left over from the previous one to give a new supporters Club a nice running start.

Regardless of any money to start a supporters club you would need people to step forward with a genuine interest in running such supporters club. Without those people you will have nothing,and those people would have to whip up some sort of enthusiasm to get people to join. :scarf: :scarf: :scarf:

General Discussion / Re: Supporters' Club
« on: July 19, 2023, 06:49:19 AM »
Silly question, is there one.

 :bus: :bus: :scarf: :scarf:

Sadly not.

General Discussion / Re: Season tickets?
« on: July 04, 2023, 08:32:13 PM »
The point is it helps the club i for one will always buy one to help keep the club afloat

It is easy if you have the money to spare, unfortunately many don't these days.

General Discussion / Information.
« on: June 26, 2023, 11:13:27 AM »
Yay at lat some good news from the club,players announced and a manager interview,be still my beating heart. :laughcry: :laughcry: :laughcry: :laughcry:

General Discussion / Re: Oooh so quiet !
« on: June 19, 2023, 08:08:25 PM »
In an interview last season Gold mentioned he had the ambition to return to Switzerland and play for his hometown club.

Probably more money at Aldershot,just hope we get a decent price for Widdrington? Widdrington family could pay handsomely?

General Discussion / Re: Oooh so quiet !
« on: June 08, 2023, 06:50:15 AM »
I will be getting a season ticket for the first time ever this season,saving a fiver a game is a big plus for me. That will be an extra pint in the bar after the game. :cheers: :cheers:

General Discussion / Re: Season tickets?
« on: May 30, 2023, 08:49:55 PM »
Still of the opinion that for clubs at our level there are better options to season tickets, as WRH notes the online option reduces the hassle factor that season tickets used to solve and whilst it is right for the club to try on reward regular supporters, the truth is the club has to be funded somehow and gates are not really high enough as it is without decreasing the £/game that many want to provide a value for money season ticket
There is a benefit to fans as we save money but the main benefit is to help the club fund pre-season and early season expenses. Including possibly buying players and paying signing on fees, before the money from attendances arrives. Even that is clearly spread throughout the season so season tickets are a major aid to cashflow.

I don't think we sell enough season tickets to make much difference to pre season dealings, I don't think we sold more than 100 last year, but I stand to be corrected? :dontknow:

General Discussion / Season tickets?
« on: May 28, 2023, 07:18:26 PM »
With many clubs making fairly good reductions for early bird tickets why have we not released any prices yet? will there be an early bird ticket,will the season tickets offer enough of a saving to promote themselves? Will Mr Cleeve go ahead and increase the entry prices? :dontknow: :bankrupt: :scarf: :scarf:

General Discussion / Re: Match day experience
« on: May 23, 2023, 01:50:14 PM »
Court yard, is area near B&G and toilets, behind the fence

Yes. :cheers:

General Discussion / Re: Michael Clunan...
« on: May 22, 2023, 09:32:48 PM »
A squad of 20 a £400/week is 8 grand if we get 1500 supporters @ an average gate payment  of £15 that brings in £ 16,500. For 23 home games this totals £379k . Total gate money is less than players wages £416k and then there are the other costs reckon it will double the gate money. If £400 is SC’s weekly pay for players I hope his pocket is deep or he has some other finance other wise KLTFC will be bust yet again.

On top of gate money you have bar takings,cafe takings,food takings,programme and 50/50 sales. Add on to that player sposorship,sponsor boards/advertising,match sponsor and ball sponsor.We the hopefully get good cup runs and some decent friendlies.On the average 1500 per gate @ an average of £15 it would be £22,500 per game,times this for the 23 games and it totals £517,000,a profit on the players wages of £101,000.You would then have cup revenue on top? :dontknow: :bankrupt:

General Discussion / Re: Is there anybody there?
« on: May 21, 2023, 10:09:10 AM »
Why should it be expected that musicians play for free?
:clap: :clap: :clap:

Could always take the stance of bands in America, they play to put themselves in the public eye, and have a jar for tips or donations, and sell merchandise if they have it? I would like the club to pay they expenses,plus they watch the game for free, that will save them probably £20 each?

General Discussion / Re: Kidderminster it is
« on: May 04, 2023, 08:24:55 AM »
How are ticket sales going,not heard from Mr Cleeve on the subject? :dontknow:

General Discussion / Re: Attendance for saturday
« on: April 28, 2023, 09:30:27 PM »
Will there be segregation in place for the 8 Curzon fans? :laughcry: :scarf: :scarf: :scarf:

No. I would think they would all want to stand together.  :laughcry:

 :laughcry: :laughcry: :laughcry: :laughcry: :laughcry: :laughcry: :laughcry: :laughcry:

General Discussion / Re: Attendance for saturday
« on: April 28, 2023, 09:13:04 PM »
Will there be segregation in place for the 8 Curzon fans? :laughcry: :scarf: :scarf: :scarf:

General Discussion / Re: Attendance for saturday
« on: April 28, 2023, 07:50:43 PM »
Would be nice to have an up to date figure,need to know if I have to get there early to claim my space,lol. :laughcry: :scarf: :scarf: :scarf:

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