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Topics - Pink

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Next up ......Buxton
« on: October 24, 2024, 09:07:10 PM »
Do let me know B & G, is the sign at the ground in sync with the website ........I don't really want to be finding fault......but come on guys it's really important that the off pitch stuff matches whats happening on the field of play, especially as it's a full time club. It's Thursday evening, less than 2 days from Leamington at home and the website is two matches behind where it ought to be.

General Discussion / FA Cup - home to Cheshunt
« on: September 02, 2024, 09:19:51 AM »
Sadly, Gt Yarmouth and Sheringham were both knocked out last round.I believe Grantham are in today's draw. Presumably a home draw against lesser opposition would be preferred.An opportunity to try out different permutations or a Saturday off for some while Fringe players are given a run out, depending on your point of view I guess.

General Discussion / FA Cup starts today
« on: August 02, 2024, 12:08:08 PM »
Sheringham (v Woodbridge) and Gt Yarmouth in action tonight in The Cup. Corby, amongst others, play tomorrow.

General Discussion / Squad
« on: June 27, 2024, 10:39:17 AM »
So, what's people's verdict so far on the squad ? Not long now till training commences. Looks like a midfielder still to join and possibly a forward. I did wonder whether Alfie Bates from Brackley , would be joining, as he had left his club, but now apparently has "had a change of heart" (I guess modern day parlance for things didn't work out with potential new club), so he has rejoined Brackley.

My view is the current squad, with a new midfielder and a target man is similar to what we had at the end of last season. Much may depend on how prolific the target man and Margetts are. Very difficult to call at this stage, but I am still concerned about the lack of pace in the back line, when someone like Ashley Hemmings is running free. I would go for about mid table, for next season,on balance.

General Discussion / FA Trophy
« on: December 12, 2023, 03:26:46 PM »
I see Bishops Stortford have drawn Aldershot...nice for Hughes and Widdrington to meet up.

News of former Linnets / Tyler Knowles
« on: August 29, 2023, 11:06:04 AM »
2x90 minutes for Boston United over the Bank Holiday weekend

General Discussion / Match Commentary
« on: August 02, 2023, 11:13:09 AM »
I see we are once again reliant on the away team’s services on Saturday.

With the current X/Twitter feed refreshing issues, regular updates may be challenging for those who can’t make it to The Walks. As ever in this league, lots of long distance away matches coming up.

Perhaps a good time to look at how others do it (ie provide a commentary) and seek out a sponsor if necessary ?????

General Discussion / Tai Fleming
« on: June 22, 2023, 10:12:11 PM »
Leaves Lynn and signs for Banbury United

General Discussion / Callan-McFadden
« on: June 22, 2023, 09:09:13 PM »
Renews his contract and stays at Lynn

General Discussion / Oooh so quiet !
« on: June 02, 2023, 01:18:24 PM »
Is perhaps the social media guy on holiday ? Or was there just nothing to comment on at the club since May 25th ?

Seems to me that none of those offered a new contract have accepted straight away otherwise we would have heard something………or would we  :laughcry: :laughcry: :laughcry:

Oh well, I ‘ll just forget about the club for a few weeks and maybe show some interest then…….maybe

 :watching: :watching: :watching: :watching:

General Discussion / Fylde Director of Football Interview
« on: May 14, 2023, 01:47:28 PM »
There is a very interesting interview if you visit AFC Fylde’s Twitter page re the challenges of NLN and NL. Interesting also to compare their well funded set up with that of Lynn. Just shows what a tremendous effort by all at Lynn to come so very close.

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