Yes KES - it does sound pleasing to the Dilly ears ! And, Andrew XV - virtually all football magazines, pundits, commentators, etc, think the whole game is about “Strength” and “Crosses”. My wife is usually reading while a game is on the box, but is always immediately amused when my prediction comes up, that after 2 hours of “punditry” about extremely complicated tactics, with computers and videos in use, and just 20 minutes into the game, the ex-pro assistant commentator will completely abandon all the algebra, and start pontificating that such and such a team need to “GET The CROSSES INTO THE BOX” ! They seldom let me down ! Mind you, if they do abandon everything and start pumping crosses into the box, they are often stymied by another tactical genius shouting “AWAY”, in perceptive panic ! Those blokes are prob on a couple of grand a game !!