Author Topic: Fans' Forum  (Read 19214 times)

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Re: Fans' Forum
« Reply #30 on: September 29, 2021, 01:16:01 PM »
Mallard, not sure if it's motivation and/or 'strong leadership' (which is often an excuse for 'bloody mindedness') that is required. 

Maybe I see things slightly differently because I think we are in a completely false position within the pyramid so another season of NL football against the likes of Notts County et all is a bonus, albeit an expensive one for all concerned.  Unfortunately too many seem to have bought into the idea that if we can only hold our own this season it will get better next year, I just can't see that being the case without radical change in vast areas of how the club is set up which is why going full time on the playing side was a huge risk in my opinion.  For me, I think we stand a much better chance of 'building a club' at step 2 where costs are lower and we are more likely to be competitive on the field and so drawing in those 'fair weather' fans as the club is proving that it doesn't currently have a big enough hard core of fans to be financially viable at step 1.

As for what the forum will achieve, personally I hope it is the first step towards that idea of 'building a club' however, if people think someone (anyone) will be there with all the answers then they will go away disappointed.  Much in the same way, I didn't see the FotL meeting as a 'one off' but the first step towards building some fan engagement back at the club, it wasn't perfect and imo the FotL still has a long way to go but it will only get there by being relevant to the fans and for that you need meetings like the one earlier in the month.

m a hill

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Re: Fans' Forum
« Reply #31 on: September 29, 2021, 03:54:59 PM »
A lot of truths Tony, we have risen up the league’s but the info structure has not risen with it and yes the FOTLSC has a long way to go but I also think we have come a long way. The ideal situation would be to have a Catering Manager and a Bar Manager this would go a long way to put things on the right track imo

m a hill

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Re: Fans' Forum
« Reply #32 on: September 29, 2021, 06:27:37 PM »
 Nikki you are and it’s not the right thing to do I will be careful what I say in future if only we all did  the same we need to pull together and let’s see if we can put things that are wrong with the club and endeavour to put them right

Grissles Oleary

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Re: Fans' Forum
« Reply #33 on: September 29, 2021, 07:10:38 PM »
B &G what has been said in the past is in the past is there anyway we could look to the future after all it is the future that really matters

.................but Malcolm, its not all in the past. Its still going on. You personally have labelled people that have different opinions than you, moaners and gripers in the past few days.

Its not a case of the future being all that matters. We all need to learn lessons from the past. Some have been prepared to do this, but others have been determined not to allow this to happen.
I've seen it on Facebook recently where some sad individuals are using clubs page to slag people off although I don't think anybody takes any notice of them these days as they are well known for stirring and probably not the full ticket.

Clubs page or the supporters page? :dontknow:
Perhaps a lunatic was simply a minority of one.

Gordon Chilvers

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Re: Fans' Forum
« Reply #34 on: September 29, 2021, 08:32:14 PM »
You know Gordon you are so far off the mark its  comical yes I speak to the Chairman and when I think he’s wrong I tell he’s wrong and he does listen we don’t always see eye to eye ,and regarding everyone on the committee is a arse licker is also very funny just ask Griss if he thinks we are bum kissers Iam sure he will give you a good answer. We are just a bunch of people trying to help and we don’t appreciate being be called all the time by the likes off you spouting untruths all the time and wish you would stop saying a pack of lies it’s getting rather tiresome Rant over
So far off the mark its comical, you really do not have a clue. You need to take those blinkers off and see for real what is happening. I stand by everything i post because i can assure you that it is the truth.
You put on here one thing that i have ever posted that is wrong and i will join your supposed Supporters club. What i will also do is when i write my book on my experience of KLTFC i will donate the profits to the Supporters Club!
The next thing you need to do immediately is apologise profusely for saying that i said everyone on the committee is an arse licker . At no time have i used those words and you really seriously need to get a grip of your typing skills making up such rubbish. SC has my solicitors name already from his past wrongful spout. If you are not very careful you will have it to.

m a hill

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Re: Fans' Forum
« Reply #35 on: September 30, 2021, 02:22:08 AM »
Yes Gordon Iam sorry you didn’t actually say the word arse lickers


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Re: Fans' Forum
« Reply #36 on: September 30, 2021, 06:52:40 AM »
“Fans forum” - what a joke, it will be a waste of time.  “Friends of the Linnets” - whilst I admire Mr Hill’s enthusiasm I cannot see his efforts helping the club significantly.  In my view, Cleeve has a total disconnect with the fans.  High admission prices, poor and disorganised catering facilities and no doubt COVID, coupled with the very poor results, have contributed to the low attendances.  I cannot see attendances improving in the coming winter months;  better results might help but not to the degree I think Cleeve envisages.  The new commercial manager I fear will have an uphill struggle.  Cleeve’s perception of the value to sponsors and advertisers of supporting the club is, in my view, excessive. 
Falling revenue, unmanageable debt, poor management and an owner with a history of failed businesses and dubious background puts this club, in my opinion, in an unsustainable position.   It may be the owner has the funds to continue supporting the club, but he has already said not.   This is a typical scenario, an owner following a self-indulgent, egotistical dream.  Never knowing when to give up, soldiering on until the inevitable sorry end. 

m a hill

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Re: Fans' Forum
« Reply #37 on: September 30, 2021, 07:10:13 AM »
Regarding the catering side Iam looking into improving it not that it’s any off my business but if I see away to help the club and more so the fans then I will try and do so ,so watch this space


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Re: Fans' Forum
« Reply #38 on: September 30, 2021, 08:04:58 AM »
Regarding the catering side Iam looking into improving it not that it’s any off my business but if I see away to help the club and more so the fans then I will try and do so ,so watch this space

Malcolm. If its not any of your (or fotl's) business, and you haven't been asked to become involved, my advice is to stay clear of it and not let your enthusiasm get the better of you.

I would think you have set yourself a big enough target with what you have already taken on with the Fotl's.

Just my humble opinion.

First they fascinate the fools, then they attempt to gag the intelligent.

m a hill

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Re: Fans' Forum
« Reply #39 on: September 30, 2021, 09:00:26 AM »
I hear you but I can’t stand by when I can help

Angle of the North

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Re: Fans' Forum
« Reply #40 on: September 30, 2021, 11:39:37 AM »
B &G what has been said in the past is in the past is there anyway we could look to the future after all it is the future that really matters

.................but Malcolm, its not all in the past. Its still going on. You personally have labelled people that have different opinions than you, moaners and gripers in the past few days.

Its not a case of the future being all that matters. We all need to learn lessons from the past. Some have been prepared to do this, but others have been determined not to allow this to happen.
I've seen it on Facebook recently where some sad individuals are using clubs page to slag people off although I don't think anybody takes any notice of them these days as they are well known for stirring and probably not the full ticket.

Clubs page or the supporters page? :dontknow:

Grissles.... It appears that factions are developing among comrades even before 'Mr Jones' has been run off the farm.        !?

m a hill

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Re: Fans' Forum
« Reply #41 on: September 30, 2021, 04:50:33 PM »
Angel I know I can be bit thick but you have lost me ??

Blue Moon

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Re: Fans' Forum
« Reply #42 on: September 30, 2021, 05:35:00 PM »
What the devil is going on in here ?? All this digging and griping at each other, seems likes its turned into a Have a Pop at everybody and anybody forum, what must casual visitors to the forum think?  Can't we get back to the serious issues like glass glasses not plastic ones
There are 3 types of people in this world, those that can count, and those that can't


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Re: Fans' Forum
« Reply #43 on: September 30, 2021, 05:50:47 PM »
Angel I know I can be bit thick but you have lost me ??
Malcolm - a reference to George Orwell's Animal Farm
You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone


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Re: Fans' Forum
« Reply #44 on: September 30, 2021, 05:55:01 PM »
Can't we get back to the serious issues like glass glasses not plastic ones

I thought there would be a reason Grissles went on the FOTL's committee.  Its all clear (as glass) now :laughcry:

I would guess that comes under catering.  :dontknow:

If so, Malcolm will soon be on to it!

First they fascinate the fools, then they attempt to gag the intelligent.


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