Not if they have been repaid.
You've lost me there. You asked where you could find all the ccj's published. I think this was the first time ccj's had been mentioned.
The other posters mentioned debts.
CCJ's will still appear if they have been paid. They will stay on the credit file for six years even if they are paid the day after they were issued. If they have been paid, the credit file will say so but the judgement will still be there.
Lots of small business owners don't bother with these nowadays. It costs the business that is owed the money, to start the proceedings, and even though they may succeed in getting the judgement, there's still no guarantee they will get their money.
Many see it as throwing good money after bad.
Larger business's can be quicker to start proceedings, so I guess it could be said this is why some other business's "buy local" from the smaller trader.