Courtesy of Uber.

"When the tunnel becomes a walk of shame,
with another dire performance in the game,
It won't be his fault, so it don't really matter
The fans are all leaving, in all of spatter.
Lets go shopping at Aldi, although Waitrose is needed,
The words of advice have never been heeded.
His is the vision, that others must follow,
And thoughts of the masses, are all rather hollow.
Lets hope that step 2, will be kinder to us,
Or there will be calls, for him to catch the bus
The gates will fall further, no secret in that,
When the future is down, to an individual P**t
Some will support him, although keep their heads down
Hoping in time there will a new knight white in Town
They keep saying yes to him, they won't or can't see
That they are all part of the problem, and others agree.
A clear out is needed, lets all start again.
And hope this time, to avoid all the pain
Honesty is needed, not personal gain.
So the Club no longer, holds its head down in shame"