Author Topic: The Future  (Read 9514 times)

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Re: The Future
« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2023, 08:44:00 AM »
I didn’t intend to set this thread up as let’s all throw the solids at SC and his tenure but more looking to the future. 

Tony, IF ( a big IF) there was a massive rallying call and the fans managed to help SC limp through to the end of the season what tells us that we wouldn’t be sitting in exactly the same situation this time next year ?   You didn’t need a crystal ball to see this coming.

I would imagine any 'rallying call' as you put it would probably be raising funds to tide over the club if a potential new owner was on the horizon, I agree with you any money raised plugging a gap this year which kept everything the status quo would be throwing good money after bad.

Colin Fuller

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Re: The Future
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2023, 10:49:55 AM »
I can not see a so-called rallying call making much of a dent in the massive shortfall facing the club, and likewise Mr Cleeve’s attempts to find investment from other sources producing the desired outcome. Why should fans, who for years have basically been kept in the dark over finances, give to what appears a lost cause.

Mr Cleeve should now be prepared to reveal the total picture regarding finances. He has always appeared hostile to the Trust, who are probably the only organised group of supporters with some financial ability. Perhaps a better relationship with supporters would have guided him to a more prudent approach to financing the club.

I find it hard to believe that this situation wasn’t foreseeable months ago, yet Lynn continued with the full-time model involving expensive overnight stops for away games, which in the light of results has proved a waste of money.

I have supported Lynn since 1961 and I really hope a miracle can be produced. But I think, along with others on this forum, that we should be looking ahead to a re-boot under a new setup with the prospect of lower-grade, but more sustainable football in the future.


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Re: The Future
« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2023, 11:11:33 AM »
For me it’s like having a poorly dog.  Sometimes the best thing is for the vet to carry out a humane act., that is best for all.     As sad as it is a new puppy can bring a lot of pleasure for the future.

What’s done is done.  Time to draw a line under it all and move on.  Why doesn’t Mr Cleeve pull the plug now and save himself a few quid.  What is the point of waiting until January?
What if the Hokey Cokey really is what it’s all about ?


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Re: The Future
« Reply #18 on: December 18, 2023, 11:44:24 AM »
do we know whether the Trust are ready for this or are they wisely keeping their powder dry?


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Re: The Future
« Reply #19 on: December 18, 2023, 12:57:27 PM »
I don't believe that the current situation has come as a surprise to many long term supporters. It is the culmination of a number of negative factors, some of which were avoidable, that have led to this seemingly perfect storm.

I would add that writing this does not give me an iota of pleasure or satisfaction, as The Linnets have been 'my club' since the late 1950's and even when living away from the area and in recent times, where i have been unable to attend many games for personal reasons, Lynn's result or any available match commentary was always at the top of my must do list. The club have been an integral part of my life, not least because they introduced me to 'proper football' p!ayed largely by people who loved the game. So much has changed, not always for the better but my love for the club continues unabated!   

Given the publicity surrounding Mr Cleeve's historic business dealings (and i am not sitting in judgement - just highlighting freely available commentary) surely his priority should have been to win people over: whether they be supporters, the local business community or long serving volunteers: of which there were several. Yet it seems to me that he, almost from the outset, through unrealistic financial expectation in fact alienated some potential sponsors, increasingly relied upon on field relative success to justify high admission prices, in the hope that this would paper over the cracks of a 'one man and a dog' commercial operation and that worked for a while, but increasingly many supporters have become  disillusioned. More recently certain very loyal support staff and volunteers, who have given so much to our club over many years have joined the disillusioned.....They / we surely cannot all be wrong?

How not to win friends and influence people?!


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Re: The Future
« Reply #20 on: December 18, 2023, 01:36:51 PM »

Given the publicity surrounding Mr Cleeve's historic business dealings (and i am not sitting in judgement - just highlighting freely available commentary) surely his priority should have been to win people over: whether they be supporters, the local business community or long serving volunteers: of which there were several. Yet it seems to me that he, almost from the outset, through unrealistic financial expectation in fact alienated some potential sponsors, increasingly relied upon on field relative success to justify high admission prices, in the hope that this would paper over the cracks of a 'one man and a dog' commercial operation and that worked for a while, but increasingly many supporters have become  disillusioned. More recently certain very loyal support staff and volunteers, who have given so much to our club over many years have joined the disillusioned.....They / we surely cannot all be wrong?

How not to win friends and influence people?!

Yes, there's certainly been some that appear to have tried to distance themselves from it all.
First they fascinate the fools, then they attempt to gag the intelligent.


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Re: The Future
« Reply #21 on: December 18, 2023, 01:51:39 PM »
It’s easy to give SC a kicking while he’s down.  For sure the guy has made a boatload of mistakes.  Ain’t we all ? 

However, despite all of that the guy had balls to pay good money to buy the Club and then set about achieving his ambition of League Football.  Most would have to admit to being a little excited by that prospect.  He’s spent big money along the way, sold assets to follow his dream.  How many of us out there would have committed to all of that ? 

Now it would appear it’s all come to an end.  So ultimately the guy failed but at least he tried.   So time to move on and look to see what the future is for the Club after Stephen Cleeve.   

I really hope that if the Club enters administration that The owner tried to ensure all the local traders are sorted, if indeed there are debts in that area.

Let’s hope there is someone waiting in the wings to pick it up.
What if the Hokey Cokey really is what it’s all about ?


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Re: The Future
« Reply #22 on: December 18, 2023, 06:42:30 PM »
It’s easy to give SC a kicking while he’s down.  For sure the guy has made a boatload of mistakes.  Ain’t we all ? 

However, despite all of that the guy had balls to pay good money to buy the Club and then set about achieving his ambition of League Football.  Most would have to admit to being a little excited by that prospect.  He’s spent big money along the way, sold assets to follow his dream.  How many of us out there would have committed to all of that ? 

Now it would appear it’s all come to an end.  So ultimately the guy failed but at least he tried.   So time to move on and look to see what the future is for the Club after Stephen Cleeve.   

I really hope that if the Club enters administration that The owner tried to ensure all the local traders are sorted, if indeed there are debts in that area.

Let’s hope there is someone waiting in the wings to pick it up.

Blimey Mallard you change your mind more than my Mrs
So you hoping for what a vet appointment or a investor  :sinking: :countingmoney:


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Re: The Future
« Reply #23 on: December 18, 2023, 06:48:55 PM »
Can’t see in what way I’ve changed my mind.   The situation is what it is.  If the Club under SC has come to end then the sooner we have that confirmed the sooner we can move on.   SC has sunk his money and ultimately it’s not been enough.  Playing the blame game now brings nothing to the table
What if the Hokey Cokey really is what it’s all about ?


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Re: The Future
« Reply #24 on: December 18, 2023, 07:27:22 PM »
It’s easy to give SC a kicking while he’s down.  For sure the guy has made a boatload of mistakes.  Ain’t we all ? 

However, despite all of that the guy had balls to pay good money to buy the Club and then set about achieving his ambition of League Football.  Most would have to admit to being a little excited by that prospect.  He’s spent big money along the way, sold assets to follow his dream.  How many of us out there would have committed to all of that ? 

Now it would appear it’s all come to an end.  So ultimately the guy failed but at least he tried.   So time to move on and look to see what the future is for the Club after Stephen Cleeve.   

I really hope that if the Club enters administration that The owner tried to ensure all the local traders are sorted, if indeed there are debts in that area.

Let’s hope there is someone waiting in the wings to pick it up.

Blimey Mallard you change your mind more than my Mrs
So you hoping for what a vet appointment or a investor  :sinking: :countingmoney:

Blueboy, you made my day. Perhaps we could have the best of both worlds: a vet who is willing to invest?!


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Re: The Future
« Reply #25 on: December 18, 2023, 08:02:20 PM »
It’s easy to give SC a kicking while he’s down.  For sure the guy has made a boatload of mistakes.  Ain’t we all ? 

However, despite all of that the guy had balls to pay good money to buy the Club and then set about achieving his ambition of League Football.  Most would have to admit to being a little excited by that prospect.  He’s spent big money along the way, sold assets to follow his dream.  How many of us out there would have committed to all of that ? 

Now it would appear it’s all come to an end.  So ultimately the guy failed but at least he tried.   So time to move on and look to see what the future is for the Club after Stephen Cleeve.   

I really hope that if the Club enters administration that The owner tried to ensure all the local traders are sorted, if indeed there are debts in that area.

Let’s hope there is someone waiting in the wings to pick it up.

Blimey Mallard you change your mind more than my Mrs
So you hoping for what a vet appointment or a investor  :sinking: :countingmoney:

Blueboy, you made my day. Perhaps we could have the best of both worlds: a vet who is willing to invest?!

The amount vets charge I’m sure there’s a few willing to invest
Well just hope SC doesn’t have the club put down after hours or a weekend that’ll cost him even more …

Re: The Future
« Reply #26 on: December 19, 2023, 12:09:57 AM »
I have to say I sense a lot of 'point scoring' in this thread - almost an "I told you so" kind of vibe against SC

I'm impartial when it comes to SC - of course he has made mistakes, yes he can be very aloof towards supporters, yes he has managed to seemingly alienate himself from Lynn's fanbase

But, he has also pumped a great deal of money into OUR cluband given us some fantastic seasons along the way.
If anybody gets any sort of pleasure seeing SC fail, at the expense of our club - is that commendable??
Surely, personal feelings aside, you would want the club and SC to flourish??

I've now watched AL's interview post Warrington and I feel for the guy - if SC has made a mistake [mistakes] it has been in his appointments of inept managers (Simon Clarke & Mark Hughes) and all chairman are guilty of that.

I do find it a shame that people cannot back SC in the way that he has backed the club and despite all his mistakes and ability to upset certain supporters, surely nobody can deny he hasn't backed the club??

The current manager has faith in SC to sort things out.......I agree with the manager
(SC is married to a Russian wife Polina Cleeve, who could hopefully have links to an oligarch!!!)


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Re: The Future
« Reply #27 on: December 19, 2023, 02:34:07 PM »
Difficult days.  I agree with Sunshine and Mallard in this instance.  SC has funded the most successful period in the club’s history.  COVID and the cost of living have had a dire effect on the attendances and availability of the finance so essential to progress for a football club, but SC has consistently opened his wallet in a way that is beyond the imagination of most people, myself included.  Keeping the club going with the odd dance and quiz night is the stuff of failure at this level or one or two below, commendable though are the efforts of those who organise those things at such clubs.  I fear that too high a contingent of KL supporters would be happier to see local players at a more local level, and enjoy the false pride of being a big fish in a small pool, and that may be a reason that the club has never made consistent progress, indeed gone backwards in terms of, for example, ground development.  The sums needed for real progress in football are ridiculous, so perhaps the small pool is the only option.  Sad as hell, though, as the 4K crowd against York showed the club’s potential.


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Re: The Future
« Reply #28 on: December 19, 2023, 02:55:55 PM »
 :laughcry: 4K against York, 1K were away supporters and if I remember correctly Norwich were away.! Community based football is pie in the sky if you can’t find someone to organise it. Yes we should be thankful to SC for his efforts we have been spoilt since he came along. The realisation that apart from 600 or so genuine supporters  who regularly turn up to a game that no-one else really cares if the club folds. This time I fear that if the state of affairs is correct it’s gone for good. I feel sorry for the players out of work and other staff. There is no white knight and if you go round town look at the shops and the people shopping there is a lack of money in the town. I ve been a fan since my first match a 4-4 draw v Kettering in the 1950’s. I am not interested in local boot it and rush football at a lot lower level so this may be the end for me.


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Re: The Future
« Reply #29 on: December 19, 2023, 08:24:34 PM »
Well put walks in sunshine and lin365
Putting this anti cleeve aside do anyone really hand on heart want to see us fold ,look at the clubs we’ve played over the last 3/4 years  the southends , notts county , chesterfield and even in the north the encounter’s with Chester Hereford York then to fold and start all again ,  then possibly be watching wroxham Dereham etc ( no disrespect) yes people say we’ll have local players etc and business involved but give that a couple of seasons finishing mid table and the moaning will soon begin and then the vicious circle begin better side need more investment, no players locally so we go further afield they’ll need more £ for travel etc who’s finding that because in todays climate I can see a few companies tightening their surplus budgets .
I just hope and prey Steve has got one more trick up his sleeve and can sort this season out and hopefully an investor to bring us back together again . Perhaps with Steve still involved in some form because I feel that guy does know his stuff about the game(  Podcasts worth a listen) and has put in the time for our success in the past .


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