It's nice to see the Club opening for this event and I wish them luck.
I do wonder how many will/can take advantage of this as I'm sure that many would have already made arrangements (and where required, purchased tickets), and probably did so within minutes of the final whistle being blown after the Netherlands game.
The local professionals in the entertainment game have been all over this tournament like a rash. It's not often that a free big event comes along for these guys, and you can see notices about being open for business, from just about every pub and club in town (and presumably the same across the country). I even had a Facebook message from the William Burt Centre today, inviting me to their Club on Sunday.
I would guess that most people will watch the match at the same venue as they did for the earlier matches, with these venues having
taken this rare opportunity of taking more and more money as each game was won, with the momentum growing for Sundays final. A massive bonus for them in these testing times!
Fingers crossed that the Club gets it's fair share of England fans through the door.