Bigger crowd likely thus more police and stewards pro rata
Seats Need to be at a higher rate otherwise why have them and us older folk need more comfort and wil pay
Much less cost than grass especially with all the work we have had done in the last few years and money has to be put aside for the future too
Also the stadium looks to be covered by a long term loan of £1.6 million and no surplus current assets
Limited compnaies have to at least try to make as profit or they will lose that status
We are not a trust (yet)
I don't know how many Police or Stewards were at Worksop so have nothing to compare it with. I doubt anyone outside of the Worksop officials would know that at the moment. I also doubt anyone other than our Chairman and maybe the H & S officer (no idea who that is these days) have any idea what the plans are for the number of Police or Stewards. At a guess, I would think the minimum legal requirements will apply.
Pitch. If going down the cost route you also have to take into account the capital expenditure involved with installation of an artificial pitch. They also don't last forever, so if money is put aside for a grass pitch's future (can you really see that happening), then money would also have to be put aside for a new artificial pitch.
Like most Clubs, Lynn already charge extra for seating. Quite normal to do that.More seating available gives more potential income, but you need to attract people there in the first place. Are all the seats usable again now? If not it's a shame as a potential loss of income.
Of course Ltd Companies need to make a profit, although I don't believe this one has managed to do it for a while. The question is if trying to charge top dollar for everything is the way to do it, especially when the community club angle is continually applied. No idea where or why a Trust has come into it as utimately any organisation needs to make a profit.