Author Topic: Lynn win  (Read 1916 times)

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Re: Lynn win
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2024, 12:13:26 PM »
Take out the away fans and it’s a home gate of circa 700 Pink.  I thought those days were behind us with crowds to date averaging 4 figures.  That’s a huge drop. Hence why I used the word ‘surprise, cos you know what ?  It did surprise me 😂

It is a huge drop Mall, but nothing is really  being done to up the core support in terms of fans feeling really connected.....and I believe the core support that would go on a cold wet day if Lynn were mid table and out of the Cups is....and has been for a good few years around 700......... probably actually 699 now that Rod has given up his hobby due to the pricing


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Re: Lynn win
« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2024, 01:20:06 PM »
Take out the away fans and it’s a home gate of circa 700 Pink.  I thought those days were behind us with crowds to date averaging 4 figures.  That’s a huge drop. Hence why I used the word ‘surprise, cos you know what ?  It did surprise me 😂

It is a huge drop Mall, but nothing is really  being done to up the core support in terms of fans feeling really connected.....and I believe the core support that would go on a cold wet day if Lynn were mid table and out of the Cups is....and has been for a good few years around 700......... probably actually 699 now that Rod has given up his hobby due to the pricing

700 is not a lot of good if he needs 1500 to break even, so Joe doesn't have to keep ploughing the money in.
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Re: Lynn win
« Reply #17 on: October 09, 2024, 02:38:28 PM »
Malc don’t sell yourself short.  You have plenty to offer the organisation.  With age comes experience and knowledge of how these things need to run.  I would suggest you have plenty to bring to the party.  Plus also you can oversee the transfer of funds from the old to the new.  Least that will give the organisation a hefty kick start.
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Re: Lynn win
« Reply #18 on: October 09, 2024, 03:21:59 PM »
Take out the away fans and it’s a home gate of circa 700 Pink.  I thought those days were behind us with crowds to date averaging 4 figures.  That’s a huge drop. Hence why I used the word ‘surprise, cos you know what ?  It did surprise me 😂

It is a huge drop Mall, but nothing is really  being done to up the core support in terms of fans feeling really connected.....and I believe the core support that would go on a cold wet day if Lynn were mid table and out of the Cups is....and has been for a good few years around 700......... probably actually 699 now that Rod has given up his hobby due to the pricing

I've been there in the past on many a cold and wet Saturday and Tuesday winter nights when gates were sometimes between 400 and 600.


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